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Document Scanning Services in New York City, New Jersey, Long Island, Westchester, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Bronx

Your organization may be required to convert your files to a digital format. But thankfully it usually isn't an all-or-nothing decision, because scanning and indexing ALL of your documents might get expensive. Luckily we offer cost-effective alternatives. Our team of experienced scanning professionals can plan and execute a scanning program that meets your individual needs.

What We Scan

We scan medical files, letter or legal size documents, photos, graphics & artwork, engineering & architect Plans, AutoCAD, large format drawings, microfilm or microfiche. We can create the images you need in black and white, grayscale, or color; and provide the images to you in multiple, commonly used formats (such as PDF, jpeg or tiff files).

Scan-0n-Demand: Efficient and Cost Effective

If converting all of your documents isn't practical, economical, or even necessary - Our Scan-On-Demand is exactly what it sounds like - we will store your documents and only scan what you need, when you need it. Your scanned files can be stored and accessed on our secure servers or they can be uploaded into your EMR, EHR, or Document Management software program. You will also choose a preferred method for receiving scanned images, whether secure downloading via FTP, VPN, email, or even physical delivery of CDs or portable flash drives.

Project Scanning

Sometimes you'll need to digitize all of the documents that pertain to a specific project. Our initial goals for a Project Scan are to identify & collect all of the documents that pertain to the project. We will then determine the appropriate digital format, delivery method, and complete the scanning process.

Questions to help you get started:

  • When do you want to begin the scanning project?
  • When do you want or need the scanning project completed?
  • Has the internal staff been identified to be involved in the scanning project?
  • What documents will be the focus of the project? Brokerage Transactions, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Loan Applications, Title Insurance Records, HR Files, Medical Records, Client Files, Patient Charts, etc.
  • What is the estimated volume of pages to convert digitally? We will estimate this based on the number of file cabinet drawers and the number of boxes and by sampling the contents of the files.

Day Forward Document Scanning

Choose our Day Forward service when critical documents are needed by multiple teams in multiple locations. Your documents will be safely transported to our state-of-the-art facility, scanned, and converted to a digital format of your choice. Immediate access will be available through our secure encrypted online customer portal using individual logins. Or, should you choose, physical delivery of the digital documentation via CD or flash drive can be arranged.